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SugarCube 2.0 Formatting Questions

edited February 2016 in Help! with 2.0
1. Where I could go about adding some text to the sidebar?

I'm not terribly familiar with Javascript, though I do scripting for games otherwise, so I'd probably be able to figure out my way around if I just knew where to start. Also, would there be any way to get variables out of the game and into the sidebar somehow?

I'm trying to make it so players can exit the game any time they want and fill out a survey with a string of vars from the choices they have made (for playtesting data), and I'd rather not distract from the game itself by just printing that link at the top of every page. Best case, I want to figure out how to do something like this, but have the link send a string of the variables from the game into a Google form without having to ask the player to copy/paste a printed string.

2. A dumb and simple one, but how can I change the base CSS classes?

The last time I tried to change any of the CSS for the whole project (as opposed to custom classes within the project), I was trying to make all text justified paragraphs, but this didn't work no matter which class I put it in.

Thanks guys!


  • 1. Try the StoryMenu & StoryCaption special passages. The StoryMenu special passage only accepts links and arranges them into a menu. The StoryCaption special passage is essentially like a normal passage, do whatever you want in there. Additionally, those two UI bar special passages, along with StoryAuthor, StoryBanner, and StorySubtitle, are processed every time the player navigates to a new passage, so they'll update themselves automatically.

    2. I'd suggest starting by looking at the Bleached style (Downloads > Stylesheets) for ideas, since it's a complete recolor of the default style. Also, the CSS docs could possibly prove useful—it largely just points you at SugarCube's CSS, though.

    If you can't figure something out yourself, or would rather not try, then you need to ask specific questions. Combinations between the different sections of a story format's UI/layout and the elements you wish to style require different selectors. That being the case, it's difficult to provide answers/suggestions unless we know specifically which area you want to style, what you want to style within it, and how you want it styled. So, please, be specific.

    For example, since you mentioned justification, if you wanted to justify normal passages (within the main passage display area), then you could do so with the following style:
    .passage {
    	text-align: justify;
  • edited February 2016
    1. Try the StoryMenu & StoryCaption special passages. The StoryMenu special passage only accepts links and arranges them into a menu. The StoryCaption special passage is essentially like a normal passage, do whatever you want in there. Additionally, those two UI bar special passages, along with StoryAuthor, StoryBanner, and StorySubtitle, are processed every time the player navigates to a new passage, so they'll update themselves automatically.

    Ah, wow, yeah, that's perfect. Don't know if I didn't look at the documentation enough, hadn't read about those passage options existing. Should've known, though. >_< The tools haven't failed to offer me what I need yet.
    For example, since you mentioned justification, if you wanted to justify normal passages (within the main passage display area), then you could do so with the following style:
    .passage {
    	text-align: justify;

    I'm presuming then you can overwrite the base CSS classes with the Story Stylesheet, as it's loaded after the base stylesheet?

    I'll look into your links -- besides wanting all passages justified, I'm not sure what all I'd want to do, I just don't fully understand where to put the changes I want, particularly whether in the "Story Stylesheet" or somewhere else in the Sugarcube files.

    For instance, where would I put that "Bleached" stylesheet file if I wanted to use it? Doc says:
    It is strongly recommended that you use only a single stylesheet tagged passage.

    But adding a passage tagged "stylesheet" and testing the game in Twine doesn't seem to do anything.
  • I'm presuming then you can overwrite the base CSS classes with the Story Stylesheet, as it's loaded after the base stylesheet?
    Yes. That is correct.

    […] I just don't fully understand where to put the changes I want, particularly whether in the "Story Stylesheet" or somewhere else in the Sugarcube files.
    All CSS should go into your Story Stylesheet.

    […] Doc says:
    It is strongly recommended that you use only a single stylesheet tagged passage.
    But adding a passage tagged "stylesheet" and testing the game in Twine doesn't seem to do anything.
    The Bleached style doesn't come with any documentation (though it likely should).

    If you got that from SugarCube 2's CSS documentation, then the warning itself refers to Twine 1 and its heading specifically says "for Twine 1 only". I'm unsure as to how I should make it clearer that the warning is for Twine 1, rather than Twine 2, or both.

    If you saw that elsewhere, please let me know, so I can correct it.
  • If you got that from SugarCube 2's CSS documentation, then the warning itself refers to Twine 1 and its heading specifically says "for Twine 1 only". I'm unsure as to how I should make it clearer that the warning is for Twine 1, rather than Twine 2, or both.

    Ah, yeah, I definitely missed that. The main site heading is "SugarCube 2.x CSS," though, but I won't necessarily use that as an excuse for skimming over that line.

    I suppose it was just a little unintuitive to me that Twine's base CSS is replaced entirely through the story format (in this case, Sugarcube 2), but then is meant to be replaced AGAIN through the "Story Stylesheet" box. Some can probably figure out that the classes of the "Built-in Stylesheets" can be overwritten through the Story Stylesheet, but a line about that somewhere couldn't hurt for people who aren't super familiar with how CSS works.

    I won't lie, it's a little rough as a new user cross-referencing documentation between Sugarcube and Twine. Answers on this forum have actually helped more than Twine's wiki on the editor. Thanks for the help again.
  • I suppose it was just a little unintuitive to me that Twine's base CSS is replaced entirely through the story format
    Twine itself does not have a base Story CSS, so it is not being replaced as such.

    All the base/core features of a Story are defined/supplied by the Story Format you choose to use, this list includes (but is not limited to):

    The structure of the HTML generated; the CSS styling / layout of the page; the syntax (format) of the macro language; the list of available macros; the ability to extend the core features; and anything else that the Story Format developer can think of.
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