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Storytext on the left side. HELP Twine 2.0.10, Harlowe 1.2.1

edited February 2016 in Help! with 2.0

I use Twine 2.0.10 and the Storyformat Harlowe 1.2.1

I want the text of my passages to appear on the left side of the screen.
I already disabled the tw-sidebar in CSS with:
tw-sidebar {
  display: none;
The arrows are away now but the text is still not on the left side.

I searched the forum and found the following:
body {
	margin-left: 21em;
but unfortunately nothing is happening when I change the "21em" to other numbers.

What am I missing here?
I don't need the sidebar, I just want the text on the left side of the screen.

Please help me and thank you very much in advance.


  • The body element based CSS you found is for a different Story Format.

    The way Harlowe controls the width of the area that displays the Passage content is by giving the tw-story element a width of 60% of the horizontal view-port and automatic calculated the element's left/right margins to centre it.

    Try the following:
    tw-sidebar {
    	display: none;
    tw-story {
    	width: 95%;
  • That's working perfectly. Thank you very much, greyelf.
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