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Using a Javascript file in Harlowe (Need to be done asap for college project)

I have a working game of Blackjack, only problem is to import that file into Twine, is there a way to do this?

For example, a header called blackjack and in the CSS have html.blackjack ?
I have saved it as a JavaScript file, but how to I import it into Twine and used on a certain page, say that page is called 21's?

I want to have it implemented into my Story before I hand it in when I return to college on Monday 18th April.


  • I don't know much about using Javascript, but in terms of putting it into Twine, there's an option to add Javascript to a story. In Twine (2.0.11), when editing a story, if you click on the arrow next to the title of your story in the bottom-left corner, a menu will pop up with some options. The first one should say "Edit Story JavaScript".
  • Here's the file I am using, which works if you open it in any browser, but it doesn't work in Twine, no matter what I try to do. Really annoying.
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