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Setting a variable to a variable

I have a variable that I want to set to another variable, the code im currently using is just (set: $variable1 to $variable2) but this doesn't work. They both use word values, not number values, how do I make this work?


  • I am confused by your question, you are stating you have one variable named $variable2 that contains a String value (like "ABCDE") and you want another variable named $variable1 to contain the same value as the $variable2 variable.

    The (set:) macro example you included does what you asked, as the following demonstrates.
    (set: $variable2 to "ABCDE")
    (set: $variable1 to $variable2)
    ''Output the values contained within the variables:''
    variable2: $variable2
    variable1: $variable1
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