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Alert Dialog Box's Text After JS Error Is Obscured Due To Small Size

I'm using Sugarcube 2.8 and Twine 2!

After getting an error while working on the Javascript on all of my stories in "Edit Story JavaScript", a little "Alert" box appears, telling me that there was an error and a short description why. That part's fine. Problem comes in when I try to read the thing, as the single line of text is cut by some element (which I can only assume is the "OK" button element) and as such, I can't understand all of it. Is there any config option to make it bigger that I am not aware of?



  • The way the Alert dialog is displayed is controlled by your web-browser and your operating system, I personally don't know of a simple way to alter it's layout or size.
  • That's a known issue in the current release of Twine 2. Publish your project and open the resulting file in a normal browser, you should be able to see the full error there.
  • Thanks for the help guys!
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