Hello all,
I am currently developing an online service that will take twine stories and turn them into apps (for the three main desktops OSes and also Android and IOS). It would be great if you all can offer some specific feature requests etc.
The build service is currently in alpha and I am looking for alpha testers who are interested in turning their stories into apps. For those who are interested, please email me at tale_me at microsofts's email service(outlook dot com). Currently only android and desktop are supported, IOS is still WIP because of Apple's policies.
Thank you
This is really interesting, I believe it would be a very helpful tool.
I have a windows phone so right now I am not sure I would be able to help much with testing.
Won't Twine games play on mobiles and tablets if you access them as normal through the devices' browser?
@falsum_sit_verum: Are you using PhoneGap/Cordova?