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Fadeout issue (Sugarcube 2.11.0)

I'm using the following to fade out text, in order to simulate death/gameover.

The problem I have is that once the text has faded away, it pops back up again and remains on the screen.

How would I adapt this so that once the text has faded away, it remains gone?
body.gameover .passage {-webkit-animation: fadeout 10s;
       -moz-animation: fadeout 10s;
        -ms-animation: fadeout 10s;
         -o-animation: fadeout 10s;
            animation: fadeout 10s; width: 500px; margin: 250px 0 0 50px; }
@keyframes fadeout  {from {opacity: 1;} to {opacity: 0;}}

Thanks in advance.


  • edited November 2016
    Take a look at the animation-fill-mode CSS property.
  • edited November 2016
    Thanks, klembot. So I just add forwards after each of the 10s.

    I'd also discovered another way and was just about to clarify. A simple opacity: 0; before the closing } on the first selector also does the job.

    Thanks again.
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