I'm building a simple dialog system where characters can be encountered in multiple locations.
I have a single passage (charactername topics) that gets called from wherever the player talks to the NPC.
That's all great, and actually working. My issue is essentially cosmetic.
I need to be able to return from the conversation passage to the room description... but I want the actions to say something like "Say goodbye", or "leave the conversation", or "run screaming for the sake of Alice's dwindling sanity"... rather than just a rather perfunctory "Return".
Is there a way to do this that doesn't involve sacrificing a virgin and three goats atop the barren hill under a full moon?
As it's documentation states it is functionally similar to the <<back>> macro who's documentation includes an example on how to supply an alternate Link Text to the macro.
If you want to alter ALL <<return>> macro links to display the same alternate Link Text then you can Localization Guide to achieve this, you would place code like the following within your story's Story Javascript area to change the <<return>> macro's default text.
I understand the difference between Return and Back. My issue is finding a way to get the function of return, but have the link display something different that "return" on screen.
Sorry to be a pain. The last couple weeks have kind of fried my brain.