Error: <<audio>>: no track by ID: tack_name
That's the error I keep getting. I have all the info punched into StoryInit like: <<cacheaudio "track_name" "url">>
To be clear, just to avoid the assumption that I'm just clueless: I am a ew to twine but I have never had an issue with this before. I actually had it working fine and then all of a sudden it just stopped working, and I didn't change anything int he StoryInit passage.
I saw on a different thread that this is actually a bug. TheMadExile suggested adding &ext=.mp3 at the end of the URLs and that worked for some files but not for others. And even when I get the error message to go away with that solution, many of the files won't play the audio regardless. The files are pretty small too so I can't imagine it's my browser struggling to load them.
I'm storing my files on dropbox (yes I did change dl=0 to dl=1).
I just can't seem to figure out the method to this madness...
Has anyone come up with a fix for this bug?
I'm using Sugarcube 1.0.34
eg. you can rename a MP3 file like sound.mp3 to sound.wav and it will still play in many audio players but that doesn't mean the file is actually a WAV file.
If you do update your SugarCube v1 installation or install SugarCube v2, the query string hack/workaround won't work anymore, so you'll want to ensure that your filenames end in the appropriate file extension—unless you go with v2, in which case you may manually specify the format, though using an appropriate file extension is still easier.