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  • Hey man! I would love to give this a try, but I'm not sure how. The link you sent does not seem to go to an actual HTML file. Am I missing something? Can anyone else get this to work?
  • i will try to fix this later i have a baseball game soon
  • The attached file is a Twine 2 Archive file, so you could use the Twine 2 application's Import From File option to add the story contained within the archive to your own Stories list.

    The "game" is only a couple of passages long with a "questionable" URL contained within one of the passages. I did not try following the URL because I didn't want to potentially end with an "unpleasant surprise".

  • greyelf wrote: »
    The attached file is a Twine 2 Archive file, so you could use the Twine 2 application's Import From File option to add the story contained within the archive to your own Stories list.

    The "game" is only a couple of passages long with a "questionable" URL contained within one of the passages. I did not try following the URL because I didn't want to potentially end with an "unpleasant surprise".

    it is a image that says the end
  • im making more
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