I can't seem to figure out how to change the z-index of passages in SugarCube 1. The CSS says it's in
#passages, but changing that does nothing. What controls it?
Is what the css says. However, any element I put above z-index 0 also hides the passage. So clearly, something is overriding
#passages to make it 0, and I have nothing in my custom stylesheet that affects the z-index of passages, .passage, or body.
I can 't even find any active z-index entry in dev tools. They're all crossed out as invalid.
In SugarCube v2 it is a part of the rules for the #story element:
In either case, its function within SugarCube is chiefly to ensure that the loading screen, UI bar, and dialogs layer atop the story/main-passage display area.
It must be coming from somewhere on your end, as there is no other modification to the z-index of the element in question anywhere within SugarCube's code.
To rule out that one of the libraries included by SugarCube is the cause of what you're seeing, I just built and tested examples in both v1 and v2. Upon using the developer tools in Firefox, Chrome, and IE to inspect the element in question, in neither v1 nor v2 did I have a problem seeing an active z-index property, with the expected value of 10.
I don't know what else to say at this point save to check your end more thoroughly. If it's not coming from CSS rules or code you've written, then perhaps a library you're using or something in that vein.
Even if I wanted to check my game more thoroughly I don't know where to look. It's not really a great idea for me to be fudging with the passage z index anyway, so I can leave it alone.
Thanks for investigating anyway.