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Retro - My Ludum Dare 36 Twine Game

Retro is my entry for Ludum Dare 36. I will end up adding music and some extra polish, but for the most part it's complete.

Would love your thoughts and feedback. Thank you.




  • Hey, @starvingindie! I like the look of the game though I must say I didn't quite understand how to play :neutral:

    Is there a particular order to choose from the three different choices?
  • Hey, @bruno thanks for playing. I've gotten some feedback about that and tried to add more hints to smooth out the play throughs. Essentially focusing on the red colored text will give you a clue as to what to focus on next.
  • Cool game.
  • Hey, @bruno thanks for playing. I've gotten some feedback about that and tried to add more hints to smooth out the play throughs. Essentially focusing on the red colored text will give you a clue as to what to focus on next.

    Now I see it! Ok, I made it to the end. I like the concept, it's like a dev's companion :)
  • Good job. I liked the music and the choices felt like they have meaning.
  • @Gman Thank you for playing :)
  • Sorry, just realized the link above is broken. The game can be played here
  • Sorry, just realized the link above is broken. The game can be played here

    The link at the top works; how'dya think all these other people've played it?
  • Aright. Gave this a try on mobile. A few thoughts:

    - scroll back up after loading passages; doing this manually is ughh
    - I looove the concept. Ironically appropriate to my situation
    - had some trouble touch-clicking links (but this may be a html issue; I get the same in sc22)
    - mobile had some formatting issues due to text size and mobile layout

    Overall: really neat. Struck a bit close to home but well done.
  • @Deadshot Link at the top doesn't work unfortunately since I rearranged the directories of the website.

    @MoLoLu Thanks so much for the feedback. I need to invest in learning how to make my twine games mobile friendly.
  • CSS selectors are your friend for that.

    It can get kinda complicated but what I learned to do was: write the PC version and then use FF's developer features to scale up/down the size and figure out at what point issues would occur. I'd then build CSS rules for that resolution (based on width) and try resizing back and forth to make sure everything fits on the screen.

    Curious to see what results of your attempts :)
  • @Deadshot Link at the top doesn't work unfortunately since I rearranged the directories of the website.

    @MoLoLu Thanks so much for the feedback. I need to invest in learning how to make my twine games mobile friendly.

    Perhaps if you were continue this game, and that only be a beta or something, you could get money and decide when to make another game and stuff, just cause when you get to the end it just stops.
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