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actions macro is a little inflexible

I don't think there is a way to use the <<actions>> macro with text that includes both " and ' characters. It's not hard to imagine a situation where this would be useful: suppose one of the choices is to speak a line of dialogue, which requires ", and inside the dialogue is a contraction, which requires '. I found that, while the editor's syntax highlighting seems to understand escapes such as \", the game engine itself does not -- at least, not in this context.


  • You didn't say what story format you were using.  However, if you're using SugarCube, then you could use the wiki link syntax, which is allowed in all macros that take link arguments, like so:

    % [[passage]] style. The passages titles for these would be (exactly, all quotes included):
    % "A' ain't gonna do it, an' that's final!"
    % "Well, a' suppose I could. Just this once, ya' un'erstand?"
    <<actions [["\"A' ain't gonna do it, an' that's final!\""]] [["\"Well, a' suppose I could. Just this once, ya' un'erstand?\""]]>>

    % [[linktext|passage]] style. I prefer this one, since the passage titles aren't laced with quotes, just the link text.
    <<actions [["\"A' ain't gonna do it, an' that's final!\""|Daisy refuses]] [["\"Well, a' suppose I could. Just this once, ya' un'erstand?\""|Daisy agrees]]>>
    I've also updated SugarCube to unescape all string literals used as macro arguments.  So, this will also work after the next update:

    <<actions "\"A' ain't gonna do it, an' that's final!\"" "\"Well, a' suppose I could. Just this once, ya' un'erstand?\"">>

    If you're not using SugarCube, then I'm sure the vanilla headers will get updated for this sooner or later.
  • Interesting issue. I suspect you could work around it by using the ASCII for the character instead of the character itself. It wouldn't disrupt the parser, and the browser would deliver the right character to the reader.


    " --> &quot;
    ' --> &#39;

    Makes reading the code annoying, I realize, but it's an option.
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