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Your Code Name is Jonah

Hi all! I'm still new to Twine, but I thought one way to pay my respects to the 'Choose Your Own Adventure' games of yesteryear I'd transcribe one of them to Twine as an exercise. I was shocked at how elaborate the book I choose, 'My Code Name is Jonah' was! Tons of different endings and a very well thought out cohesive plot (for lack of a better term).

Just to be clear, this is not my own work! I just thought I'd share :)


  • Basic feedback is for longer works like this, white background (background-color: #FFF) with black text (color: #111) is generally much more readable. The default white text on black is aimed at very short pieces, but can cause serious eye strain at longer lengths imo.

    It isn't very hard to do, either, just swapping color and background-colour attributes in the body css.

    Another formatting issue may be to look at reducing the width of the passage area and increasing font size, so lines aren't so long.


    Width: 650px;
    font-size: 16px;
  • Agreed. I would enjoy playing this, but it's too hard on the eyes. The default Twine CSS isn't well suited for longer works. Eye travel from the left side of my screen to the right is far too long and the tiny text, not to mention white on black, just makes it not worth the effort in my opinion.

    The good news is it's simple to change! :)

    Take a look at these links: It must have really taken some effort to have transcribed a whole CYOA! Honor it with a few more minutes; you'll be glad you did and so will readers! :)
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