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Background color Please Please Please

edited May 2015 in Help! with 2.0

I know this question have already been asked but I tried following some answers and it's still not working.
I am very bad at coding, I'm a student in an art school and want to use twine for one of my project but so far I don't manage to do anything I want to… I basically don't know anything about coding, that's certainly why nothing is working haha.
Ok so anyway, I'm using a 2.0.4 twine version online and Sugarcube 1.0.22.
I need to change the background color of passages, for example one passage is about red so I would like the background to be red, the other one will be about blue, the background should be blue etc…

Could anyone explain me how to do it ?
Also is it more difficult to use Sugarcube than Harlow ? Because then I may change…



  • edited May 2015
    The SugarCube screen is made up of 4 elements: html (underlying background), body (main area background), passage (text area), and ui-body (sidebar).

    In the custom stylesheet area you access from the bottom left story menu, try putting in:
    body.reddish {
    background-color: red;
    .passage.reddish {
    background-color: red;
    html.reddish {
    background-color: red;
    This will result in a vary garish red, however, so you may want to look up css colours. You could try background-color: #800000; instead.

    If you also wanted the ui area to change you'd use:
    #ui-bar.reddish, #ui-body.reddish {
    background-color: red;

    Then in passages you wanted to be red, you'd write:

    <<addclass "html" "reddish">>

    and do the same for the other elements like "body" or "#ui-body" in place of "html" etc. To remove that you'd write <<removeclass "html" "reddish">>.

    But for the .passage you don't need to use addclass, you just add a "reddish" tag to the top of the passage.

    Ggg wrote: »
    Also is it more difficult to use Sugarcube than Harlow ? Because then I may change…

    Depends on your preferences, but both have a learning curve. I find SugarCube easier to use than Harlowe, others find the opposite.
  • Also @Ggg
    @Sharpe wrote what I thought was a fantastic guide to walk you through this stuff.

    It's here:
  • Thank you so much !! Very clear and helpful :)
  • edited May 2015
    You can also add transition effects to them.

    E.g. write in each of those css sections:
    transition: all 1s linear;
    -webkit-transition: all 1s linear;
    -moz-transition: all 1s linear;

    Underneath the background-color property. That should give you a nice fade in between the colours.
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