Hello there,
I am quite new to both Twine and Sugarcube, so please forgive me any silly question.
I have been trying to find documentation about this, but I having a hard time to get the effect I wanted. What I am trying to accomplish is to propose the reader two links where to click. After choosing one of them, both links will disappear, and a paragraph is revealed instead, with no change in the current passage.
I have tried to play around with <<replacelink>>, <<linkreplace>>, and <<replace #output>>. While it's rather easy to accomplish with one link only, I can't find a way of replacing both links at the same time. <<choice>> seems to require another passage, and when I try to assign the current passage, it doesn't have really have the desired effect.
So I am a little stuck in this regard. I would really appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction.