So last night i made some big progress on my sugarcube story, today i launched it only to find that my story has been reset to its previous state,erasing all my work. I tried googling it, but it came up empty, apart from one search from last year who had the same issue but was asking how to change the directory of the "stories" folder ( theres a link in there taht say's its a know issue, but when i click on it, it says:
This repository has been deleted
Our apologies, but the repository "klembot/twinejs" has been deleted.
It now lives at
Following the github to the issues and finding the article, it talks about the russian locale, and i am not having the memory issue. I am using the english locale, how can i fix this?
I have a second issue where it keeps duplicating my story whener i go to the homescreen, which messes with my ocd.
edit: Appearanttly a first issue, relating to the second, popped up. Whenevrr i click play or bugtest it just opens a nonresponding white window.
edit2: While i am still not having the memory issue, but it is creating multiple twine processes in task manager, however after the 4th process the above issue was fixed? sorry if this should be posted elsewhere, i am new to twine so i have no idea where to report al lthis and get fixs.
edit3: i tried loading the new version of my story(archved it before closing application to reboot) and it just removed my story. my old version, however did work.
edit4: tried using the webbrowser version, and it is not making duplictes, or removing my story, but it is still not letting me play it. Just brings up an empty window. Reinstalling did nothing.