WARNING: Code contained within a header or footer tagged Passage is still executed, even when it is being 'hidden' via a CSS display: none; property setting.
The following assumes the footer tagged Passage to be shown for the "consequences" tagged passages is named Consequences Footer, obviously if you named yours something different then you need to change the tittle referenced in the following CSS example.
You will need two CSS selectors to achieve the result you have asked for:
1. One that handles the state of the Consequences Footer for passages without the "consequences" tag.
2. One that handles the state of the Consequences Footer for passages with the "consequences" tag.
The following CSS needs to be placed in your project's Story Stylesheet area.
tw-include[title="Consequences Footer"] {
display: none;
tw-passage[tags~="consequences"] tw-include[title="Consequences Footer"] {
display: block;
You will likely need CSS similar to the above for your "solutions" tagged passages and related footer, so copy the above and change the tags and title attributes as required.