If you use your web-browser's built in Developer Tools to Inspect the HTML being generated for the page you will notice that a Passage Tag only gets appended to two elements: tw-story and tw-passage. You will also notice that tw-sidebar and both header and footer tw-include elements are children of the tw-passage element.
You can use a hierarchical CSS selector to target the header (or footer) tw-include element of a tagged tw-passage (or tw-story) element like so:
/* Style the whole passage content. */
tw-passage[tags~="marble"] {
background-color: Bisque;
/* Override the style of the header section. */
tw-passage[tags~="marble"] tw-include[type="header"] {
background-color: CornflowerBlue;
You will notice that by default the width of a header (or footer) tw-include element is only large enough to display the content, so it may not cover the whole width of the tw-passage element. You can use CSS like the following to fix this issue.
/* Change the header to cover the whole width of the passage area. */
tw-include[type="header"] {
display: block;