> A CLI compiler like Tweego (or Entwine, Twee2, etc) will make adding the appropriate files to the backer release easy enough.
^ This. Even if you want to primarily use Twine 2, you can relatively easily use Tweego (maybe the others mentioned by Chapel) to stitch two Twine 2 projects together (i.e. your main/public one and one which is just the backer/patron kit).
> But also, you shouldn't post your backer's emails like that anyway; I would be real mad if someone did that with my contact info.
> Relying on the honor system is one thing, publishing a list of user email addresses in a client-accessible text file is a completely different bad idea.
^ Also, this. Please do not do that. Unless you've communicated with each and every one of you backers/patrons and they're okay with you publicly hosting their e-mail addresses online, that's a very poor thing to do. You cannot know if the e-mail you have on file is semi-private or not. Beyond that, people get enough spam without any outside help.
If you were going to do something like this, the way to do it would be to generate a unique string for each user (e.g. a GUID) that's associated with their e-mail address (kept in a file which is on your local machine only) and use those strings. That said, this is getting rather more complicated than what I outlined above.