I'm a noob, and I'm trying to figure where I'm supposed to put this:
Also, how do I get it to loop and how do I get it to not reset from passage to passage?
I got it here https://twinelab.net/harlowe-audio/#/
I have put both javascrypt code and css code of harlowe audio library where they belong.
This is explained in the documentation. For A.newTrack():
There are code examples of what each option would look like listed in the docs.As for looping and playing, check the track method list. There's also an example. To start a track looping, you would generally use A.track('track-name').loop(true).play() or A.track('track-name').loop(true).playWhenPossible() based on your needs.
Again, all of this is in the manual. I know it's long, but you can always ctrl-f to find specific things.