im initialising the datamap by doing
(set: $player to (dm:"playerdmg", 50, "lvl", 1, "maxhp",10,"xp",49,"stats",5, "str", 0, "def", 0, "luc", 0, "vit", 0)
and then accessing it later with
(print: $player's stats)
and it didnt work, it said the same as before.
The information is still saved there i think but it changes the data map into an array maybe, as when i put
(print: $player)
before i loaded the game it was printed out like this:
playerdmg 50
lvl 1
maxhp 10
xp 49
stats 5
str 0
def 0
luc 0
vit 0
and then after loading the game it was this:
thank you for the help