So, I'm about to pull my hair out fixing this. I haven't been able to find anything that fixes this problem, though it may just be me being dense.
I'm trying to set up an example story like I had before my PC had to be wiped. I had a macro example i could reference, but now I forgot how I st it up and need help.
The first passage is:
There's a potato.
[[Slice it->Potato Consequence]](set: $slice to 1)
[[Smash it->Potato Consequence]](set: $smash to 1)
The second passage I want it pointing to is:
(if: $slice is 1)[Sliced.]
(if: $smashed is 1)[Smashed.]
I'm trying to get just Sliced to display if Slice it is selected, or just Smashed if Smash ti was clicked.
The problem is, they both link to Sliced. I used to have this figured out, and I have no doubt it's something simple and obvious, but I can't find the guide that I figured it out form last time, so I need to ask for help.
I'm also a novice with programs like this, so a lot of the documentation just doesn't help me.