Like say HiEv, try use information from google.
Just like Examlple, i'm create button like papyrus.
in "StyelSheet" you mus put this:
/*'.papyrus' - you can change this name like you want*/
/*'button' - say the CSS, what you want from him, in this case, change style of the BUTTON with type "papyrus"*/
.papyrus button {
/*'font-size' - how much of button size you give to text. in thus case 90% of all button size*/
font-size: 90%;
/*'font-weight' - the greater the value, the thicker the letters*/
font-weight: 700;
/*'color' - color of the TEXT, not BUTTON collor. Can use 'rgb', or just name.(gold, red, black etc)*/
color: rgb(34,34,34);
/*'border' - change the border of BUTTON.*/
border: 0px;
/*'background-size' - say CSS that we need cover ALL BUTTON space with texture.*/
background-size: cover;
/*'background-position' - say CSS that we need place our texture in center of the button.*/
background-position: center;
/*'background-color' - say CSS that we need make background of our button to tranparent.*/
background-color: transparent;
/*'background-repeat ' - say CSS that we not need repeat our backgroud picture.*/
background-repeat : no-repeat;
/*'background-image' - say CSS from what source hi must take image for background (in case we use google and url).*/
background-image: url("");
After that, you must place your button in passage.
Take that code:
@@.papyrus;<<button "BUTTON" Start>><</button>>@@
/*or, you cane make like this*/
<<button "BUTTON" Start>><</button>>
/*or, if you put some values in the button action, you can make this*/
<<button "BUTTON" Start>>
And then past it in where you need it.