My humblest and most abject apologies as promised, greyelf
. Thank God, you're here !
I'll tell you something: Having read a post published by Emily Short on her blog entitled "So, Do We Need This Parser Thing Anyway?", I am absolutely convinced that Inform is the past (unless Vorple makes a hit) and that Twine is part of the future.
But I savagely and fearlessly declare hereby that at the moment Twine is NOT mature and can be nothing less than exasperating. I am a keen follower of Twine, and it seems that if you want to create anything that is non-trivial with it you need an extensive knowledge in:
- Programming in non-standard languages,
- Advanced HTML,
- CSS, preferably cryptic,
- Twine's internal logic,
- Harlowe's and / or SugarCube's internal logic.
And I add that I am NOT interested in that ... in those things. And I don't even want to know that they exist. You know what ? I just want to create IF. Period.
And I must sadly add that, compared with Twine, on the purely technical side, Inform is practically flawless. When you have grasped their bizarre pseudo-English programming language, that's it. And their editor picks out the common syntax errors such as mine
, as do the most common and free editors such as, say, Notepad++. I don't want to be unduly negative, but... When you think that with Harlowe ( and you should know because of the way you've been helpful with me on that very subject ) the passage's text doesn't even wrap naturally when you resize the window, but that's a shame! In 2017 this has no right to be a problem! This has no right even to exist!
That takes me back to an earlier period of my life. You have seen from my site that I create 3D models. I used Blender, an extraordinarily attractive and free but unreliable product. So, I soon as I got the money I switched to Maya. Not cheap at 1,000 euros per year, but flawless and as such worth it.
Sorry for having lost my temper.