... and the Sugarcane story format.
I strongly suggest you don't use the Sugarcane story format and change to the SugarCube 2 story format instead, or at least to the SugarCube 1 story format if you want the same look and feel.
The main reasons I make this suggestion are:
1. The Sugarcane story format has not been updated since mid 2015 and as such it makes some assumptions about how web-browsers work that are no longer valid, in particular about what is allowed when the story HTML file is run locally. This is also true with the other (vanilla) story formats that come pre-installed with the Twine 1.x application.
2. SugarCube is a much more feature rich story format and it has the same macro syntax as the vanilla story formats, so the TwineScript migration should be mostly painless. There are some differences with the CSS structure that will need to be handled manually, but if you haven't modified the look-an-feel of your story yet then this won't be a problem either.
3. I suggested using SugarCube 2 over SugarCube 1 because the 1.x series of the story format is not longer being actively developed, where as the 2.x series was last updated on the 14-jul-2017.
Instructions on how to download and install the story format can be found on the SugarCube v2 Installation page of it's documentation.
If you do decide to change to SugarCube then the answer supplied by @Akjosch will still work, or you could use the story format's Custom Style feature instead of the span element like so:
@@.message;//"Hello World!"//@@