You don't need to re-direct the Reader back to the current Passage to dynamically update a toggle like link, the following example shows how to use a named hook combined with the (replace:) and (display:) macros to achieve that effect.
1. Place something like the following within the Passage you want to see the toggle in.
(set: $blurb to false)
Turn the blurb |blurb>[(display: "Blurb")]
2. Place the conditional link replaced code in a child Passage named Blurb
(if: $blurb)[
(link: "Off")[
(set: $blurb to false)
(replace: ?blurb)[(display: "Blurb")]
(link: "On")[
(set: $blurb to true)
(replace: ?blurb)[(display: "Blurb")]