There are several issues in your code in respect to the HTML structure. First, this:
var n = $('emls').length;
It's not clear here whether "emls" should be a class name or an ID, and thus jQuery doesn't guess and simply uses it as an element name. Your HTML doesn't have any <emls> elements, so this doesn't find any. For all elemens with a class name "emls", you should instead use:
var n = $('.emls').length;
However, in the following loop you're looking for elements by ID using the following ID code:
var id = 'emls' + i;
... but your HTML doesn't have any elements with such IDs ("emls0", "emls1" and so on). It only has an element with the ID "boss" and another one with the ID "empl0". This is most likely a type and should be ...
var id = 'empl' + i;
Finally, I'd rewrite the whole loop a bit:
.forEach(function(el) {
eSet(el.value, nm.substring(0, nm.indexOf('Cfg')));
This has the benefit that you don't need to care about the specific IDs of those elements.