Alright so I think my issue is not too hard to resolve, and I'm pretty sure the answer exists already somewhere within this Q&A. I just couldn't find it.
Here's the thing; I created a widget <<seen>>
<<nobr>><<widget 'seen'>>
<<if $seen.contains($args[0])>>
<<elseif $seen.contains($args[1])>>
Basically, I wanted it to check what's inside my $seen array between two choices, and output text accordingly.
That way, if I write up
<<seen 'OptionOne' 'OptionTwo' 'TextOne' 'TextTwo'>>
, if there's OptionOne in the array, it will display TextOne, and if there's OptionTwo, it will display TextTwo.
Now the thing is, I write quite long texts within this widget, and sometimes I have to enter a character's name, contained within a variable $name.
So I tried something like
<<seen "OptionOne' 'OptionTwo' '$name ! You fool!' '$name, you chose OptionTwo'>>
And it doesn't print out what's inside the variable. It prints "$name ! You fool" !
I read somewhere that putting the variable within "" may work. But I tried it, and it didn't for me...
So I'm a bit lost, what can I do ? :(
Thanks a lot,