0 votes
by (2.7k points)
I have not been using twine for very long, but one thing is for sure - I find Harlowe's coding easier. However, I prefer the macros that Sugarcube has to offer, and it's support for special passages, such as StoryCaption, StoryInit, etc. These are all very useful. Harlowe, on the other hand appears to be much easier to use, and has built-in highlighting. Do you know of any format that combines the best of both worlds?

1 Answer

0 votes
by (159k points)

I don't know of another Story Format that uses Harlowe's macro language syntax (macro:) + associated hook, and currently Harlowe's developer is the only one that includes the data/code required by the Twine 2 application to implement syntax highlighting for a story format macro language.

by (2.7k points)
Shame about the syntax higlighting, but it seems that if any other system will get it after Harlowe, it would be SugarCube, though. Might just stick with SugarCube, as it has built-in saves, restart, share and options buttons, as well as a sidebar. Plus, since it's older, there is a lot more advice on the internet for using it.