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by (2.3k points)
Any ideas how to do this? I've tried <pre> but that just puts it all in one endless line.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (23.6k points)
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Best answer

What do you mean when you say tabs, since I doubt you mean something like this? To set up paragraphs in html you'd usually use the <p> element, but whether that's what you're looking for depends entirely on what exactly you want to accomplish.

by (2.3k points)
I mean indented tabs for text / sentences etc within the passages.
by (23.6k points)

If you just want specific elements/new paragraphs to have indents you could work with the text-indent property.

by (2.3k points)
Thanks for that idle.

The only issue with this method (using Divs and <p> etc) is it eliminates all the white space making it hard to see inbetween. Is there a way to insert gaps without it showing up?
by (23.6k points)

Hard to see inbetween what? Every seperate <p> or <div> should have a gap between them. You can insert breaks using <br> or use the CSS white-space property to set up how white space is handled.

by (2.3k points)
Yeah, I mean in-between the programming code itself, not the actual displayed run-passage.
by (23.6k points)
You can use <<nobr>>, give your passage a nobr tag, use \ at the start of lines where you want breaks to be ignored and the like just as usual so you can keep using whitespace in the programming code that won't show up in the run-passage.