So the code I'm attempting to use is not working, greyelf so kindly helped out with the first part of the code, I added the .change because I wanted to assign a name in the case that there wasn't input from the previous passage.
<% if ( == "") .change=" = "name I choose"" { %> text in the event nothing is input and it'll change the name to whatever I put <% } %>
<% ifelse { %> all text if a name was input in the previous passage <% } %>
I figure it's the change token but I can't find something that would work, I was hoping it would work somehow lol. I don't really understand how to use two functions in the same thing so I was hoping someone could point out what I'm doing wrong in detailed steps.
Did I even use the if else correctly?
Also, is there a way to select the character name from a random variable? I want to list a bunch of names elsewhere to assign them to a variable that would take place of "name I choose" so that way even if the player doesn't want to input a name it's not the same name every time.