Thanks, Danny; I truly appreciate the effort. This won't get the effect right because it jumps to another passage. Right now I have words in context that the player can click on to get the English translation in context.
So, for example, the game passage looks like this:
Scion of an aristocratic Roman family, you are Marcus Aemilius Barbatus. That last part, Barbatus, refers to the exceptionally thick and full beard one of your ancestors had, and now the cognomen is used to distinguish your branch of the Aemilius family. The res publica, set on course by the good men who ousted that most despicable of kings, Tarquinius Superbus, has thrived for several centuries and your family has played an important role in leading the Republic.
And if the player clicks on cognomen or res publica the bold Latin text is replaced within the passage by it's English translation. So click on both of those words in game and the text now looks like this:
Scion of an aristocratic Roman family, you are Marcus Aemilius Barbatus. That last part, Barbatus, refers to the exceptionally thick and full beard one of your ancestors had, and now the nickname is used to distinguish your branch of the Aemilius family. The Republic, set on course by the good men who ousted that most despicable of kings, Tarquinius Superbus, has thrived for several centuries and your family has played an important role in leading the Republic.
What I'd like is for players to click on the English terms ("nickname" and "Republic" in these cases) to get back to their corresponding text "cognomen" and "res publica". And then, if they really wanted to, they could click on the Latin terms again to get to the English.
Again, though, I really appreciate your help.