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by (120 points)

So I am new to twine (and everything coding in general) and we are using it in my digital media storytelling class. The version I'm using is: Twine 2: Harlowe

I want to add statistics to every page that change base on the choice (link) that is chosen. For example:

Having no reply, she looked around and thought to herself, '...older brother must not have returned yet. Perhaps I shall wait while...’

[[Eating some drulberry->Drulberries]]

[[Kniting a winter tunic->Kniting]]

If the choice is Drulberries then the stats on the next page would say "Intelligence:0   Love:2   Strength:7 " at the very top.

But if the choice is Knitting hen the stats on the next page would say "Intelligence:8  Love:10   Strength:4 " at the very top.

I want it to be at the very top and not centered like the rest of my text which i'm using this code:

tw-passage {
   text-align: center; 
  font-size: 4.4vh;
  font-size: 4.4vw;
  font-size: 4.4vmin;
  line-height: normal;

for.  Is there a way to position, if possible, the statistics text normally at the very top (kind of like a margin) and leave the text that is the main story centered?


Sorry if this question is annoying and Thanks.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (159k points)


  • It wasn't clear from your question if you wanted the variables incremented from their current values of zero to the new values (eg, variable = current + offset => new) or if you wanted the current values replaced with the new values (eg. variable = new), so I assumed you wanted them to be incremented.
  • All CSS in the following example needs to be placed within your Story Styleetsheet area.
  • A more experienced CSS coder may know of a better solution.

1. First we will solve the "Text at top of Page" and "Changing variables with (Setter) Links" parts of your question.

1a. Initialise your variables within a startup tagged special passage.

(set: $intelligence to 0, $love to 0, $strength to 0)

1b. Show the current values at top of page using a header tagged special passage.

Intelligence: $intelligence Love: $love Strength: $strength

1c. Passage containing the links used to change the variables values.

Having no reply, she looked around and thought to herself, '...older brother must not have returned yet. Perhaps I shall wait while...’

(link: "Eating some drulberry")[
	(set: $love to it + 2, $strength to it + 7)
	(go-to: "Drulberries")
(link: "Kniting a winter tunic")[
	(set: $intelligence to it + 8, $love to it + 10, $strength to it + 4)
	(go-to: "Kniting")

1d You will need to manually create the Drulberries and Kniting passages using the +Passage option in the lower right of the Passage Map scene..

1e. CSS needed to hide the visual output of the startup tagged special passage.

tw-includes[type="startup"] {
	display: none;


2. Next comes the hard "Un-center the header text" part.

There are three main reasons why this is hard;

  1. because unfortunately Harlowe's header sections are actual children of the tw-passage element, and not of the tw-story element.
  2. The (child) text content of the tw-passage is not contained within it's own element, which makes effecting the other child elements of tw-passage independently to that text difficult.
  3. The default width of the tw-passage element is a percentage calculated based on the width view-port less the 20% left & right paddings on the tw-story element. Which means any positional adjustment of a tw-passage child element needs to wait until after the passage's width has been calculated.
There are a number of solutions, each with there own pros and cons.
2a. Use CSS to re-position the header to slightly above the upper left corner of it's parent tw-passage element.
tw-include[type="header"] {
	display: block;
	width: 30em;
	position: absolute;
	top: -1em;
	left: 0;
	text-align: left;

... the main downside of this method is the slight delay before the header is correctly re-positioned (moved left) within it's line.

2b, Wrapping the text content of all centred passages within a bespoke element and then applying the text-align: center to it rather than the tw-passage element.

Passage content.

Having no reply, she looked around and thought to herself, '...older brother must not have returned yet. Perhaps I shall wait while...’

(link: "Eating some drulberry")[
	(set: $love to it + 2, $strength to it + 7)
	(go-to: "Drulberries")
(link: "Kniting a winter tunic")[
	(set: $intelligence to it + 8, $love to it + 10, $strength to it + 4)
	(go-to: "Kniting")

CSS used to center the above text, remember to remove the previous tw-include[type="header"] CSS

tw-passage {
	font-size: 4.4vh;
	font-size: 4.4vw;
	font-size: 4.4vmin;
	line-height: normal;

tw-hook[name="centered"] {
	display: block;
	text-align: center;

... the main downside to this solution transition delay of the header being shown on the first passage, which doesn't seem to happen on the second passage after you use a ling to get there.
