The Twine Wiki covers how to use both the Twine 1.x and 2.x applications, it explains how to use the Passage Editors (Standard, Javascript, and CSS) to edit the relevant content, and how to combine those Passages with a Story Format to generate a Story HITML file.
It also includes basic information about the version of TwineScript used by the most common Twine 1.x story formats, both the vanilla ones (Sugarcane, Jonah, and Responsive) as well as the most popular third-party ones. (SugarCube 1.x and 2.x)
Because the TwineScript languages of the Twine 2.x story formats (Harlowe, Snowman, and SugarCube) are different both in syntax and functionally it was originally decided to add links to each of their official (documentation) websites instead of trying to merge the basics of their documentation together.
There is currently an ongoing project to work out a way to do that merging of the basic documentation so that it is concise and understandable, which is harder than some realise due to the major differences between the main story formats.