Hi All,
I'm a novice twine user and attempting a somewhat daunting task, help would be very appreciated.
I recently found this repository for a multi-user twine story hosted on Heroku:
I've been playing around with it, but I can't figure out what editor the original poster used. I tried downloading Twine 1, loading the Jonah story format, and opening it, but it didn't work. So that's my first question - how can I open either the test.tws file or the test.html file.
Second - the server works with sugacube, but the macros that interact with the server don't. I recently copied the custom macros into my story's javascript area & tried using them in a simple prototype, but get the error "Variable is undefined"
I've included the java below - I'd love some input on what what might be out of date / incorrect for the sugarcube format?
Again - all credit for the script below goes to the phenomenal user Runhello!
After lots of poking around, I think the problem may lie in the use if "wikifier.parse" and "parse.fullargs" these are functions/methods/properties that I can't find anywhere in the sugercube api and I worry they may have been specific to the OP's Jonah story format. Looks like she was using "Jonah 2.1, based on: TiddlyWiki 1.2.39"
(function () {
// First load jquery
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.src = '/support/jquery-1.9.1.min.js';
s.onload = function f(){
version.extensions['spool'] = {
major: 0,
minor: 1,
revision: 1
// Utility
function onesplit(str, sep) {
var at = str.indexOf(sep);
if (at < -1) return null
return [str.slice(0,at), str.slice(at+1)]
function varname(str) {
var splut = str.split(".")
str = splut[splut.length-1]
return str
// Handler objects. Start with "superclass"
function Handler() {
Handler.prototype.macroToSend = function(contents, session) {
return null
Handler.prototype.resultsToOutput = function(data, session) {
return null
Handler.prototype.handler = function (place, macroName, params, parser) {
if (jQuery) {
var tagEnd = parser.source.indexOf('>>', parser.matchStart) + 2;
var rest = parser.source.slice(tagEnd);
var session = {}
var send = this.macroToSend( parser.fullArgs(), session )
if (session.halt) return
parser.nextMatch = parser.source.length // Skip to end. Continue only if AJAX returns.
var outerThis = this
if (send != null) send = JSON.stringify(send)
jQuery.post("/data", send, function(data) {
var output = outerThis.resultsToOutput(data, session)
if (output) { new Wikifier(place, output); }
new Wikifier(place, rest);
}, "json");
} else {
new Wikifier(place, ":(");
// -- Examples of handler functions: Send and receive --
function SendHandler(action) {
if (action) this.action = action
else this.action = "send"
SendHandler.prototype = new Handler()
SendHandler.prototype.macroToSend = function (contents, session) {
var splut = onesplit(contents, "=")
if (splut) {
var name = splut[0].trim()
var val = eval(Wikifier.parse(splut[1]))
return {
action: this.action,
target: name,
value: val
session.halt = true
return null
function ReceiveHandler(action) {
ReceiveHandler.prototype = new Handler()
ReceiveHandler.prototype.macroToSend = function (contents, session) {
var splut = onesplit(contents, "=")
if (splut) {
session.local = Wikifier.parse(splut[0])
var target = splut[1].trim()
return {
action: "receive",
target: target,
session.halt = true
return null
ReceiveHandler.prototype.resultsToOutput = function(data, session) {
var splut = varname(session.local)
state.history[0].variables[splut] = data.value
return null
// Turn handlers into macros
var receiveHandler = new ReceiveHandler()
macros['receive'] = {
handler: function (place, macroName, params, parser) { receiveHandler.handler(place,macroName,params,parser) }
var sendHandler = new SendHandler()
macros['send'] = {
handler: function (place, macroName, params, parser) { sendHandler.handler(place,macroName,params,parser) }
var addHandler = new SendHandler("accumulate")
macros['add'] = {
handler: function (place, macroName, params, parser) { addHandler.handler(place,macroName,params,parser) }