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Audio in microsoft browsers

edited May 2015 in Help! with 2.0
Is there any particular reason why my story's audio doesn't work in Microsoft browsers?

Either in Internet Explorer or Spartan none of the various audio macros I have work, including the old sound macros as well as SugarCube's inbuilt ones.

Have tried wav, mp3 and ogg files.


  • edited May 2015
    Audio (any kind) has always worked in my tests. Doing a quick test just now shows that this is still the case (in IE11 anyway). So, it's certainly not a general problem with IE.

    Are you seeing anything in the console? Note: When the dev tools are closed in IE, the console doesn't exist, so you'll have to open them, reload the story, and then try audio.

    You could also try typing the following into the console:
    It should return true. If not, then there's your problem. Specifically, it's a cached capability check, so a false value means your HTML5 audio is simply disabled/broken for some reason (which is why no audio is working).

    It's possible your issue stems from running a pre-release operating system.
  • I'm getting ActiveX blocking when I try test playing the story in IE. Not in Spartan, but it doesn't work there either.

    That console command returns true.

    Might just be a Windows 10 thing.
  • edited May 2015
    Wait, are you talking about Twine 2's test Play feature or testing a published story? If the former, does a published story exhibit the same issue in IE and/or Edge?
  • edited May 2015
    Testing a published story, sorry. I never use IE otherwise so just have IE in defaults.

    Don't expect to release my story for another year, though. So if it is a Windows 10 issue that'll become apparent sometime.
  • I assume you've tried things like Youtube, or whatnot, to ensure that audio (and/or video) is working in IE and/or Edge at all. Yes?

    Regardless, it may be that Microsoft has changed the local network security policies (again) with Windows 10. Internet Explorer has, generally, always had the most draconian local net policies. Try testing your story over HTTP (http:// rather than file://) and see if that makes a difference. If you don't have a server (even a local one) to test with, you can use the free version of Mongoose (Mongoose's website).
  • edited May 2015
    Yeah, youtube etc works fine.

    And that's a good idea. It might be blocking the local loading.

    Mongoose isn't working for me however. f I double click the index.html file to run the story, it runs as normal as a Twine story. If I tell Mongoose to run it, it opens the Twine 2 story editor GUI. I'm just going to forget about this whole issue.

    And probably switch to Twine 1.4 because that problem with Mongoose was annoying.
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