so i'm a complete novice and i'm not sure if this is even possible? but i've been googling ferociously for two days because i really wanna make this happen.
i'm using sugarcube in twine 2.0.11 and i'm wanting to simulate a group chat happening in "live" time (i.e. a skype group chat, irc chat, texting). so, each line would automatically appear at intervals underneath the previous line, and the lines/dialogue/passage text are all contained in a window/box with a scroll bar. ideally the lines would auto-scroll upwards as each new message appears at the bottom, but if not, the user will have to manually scroll as they read!
i'm not sure if this is possible but thank you so much for replying if you do!! i know this is a huge ask! please let me know if you think i should be using something else.
here's a quick picture of what i have so's basic content. i don't know how to contain the text in the border either unfortunately.
@storymasterq i was thinking that but i don't think jonah has the option to do an inventory in the sidebar too like i want to? haha. complicated. i also want to have multiple chat logs, so i don't want them all still there after going through them.
(i did work out how to confine the text to a scrollbar box though lol.)
i can't work out where i even put all the code in twine!! or translate it into sugarcube language. huge newb. so frustrating.
..should i use harlowe instead? seems tough to learn it all over again.
What you want is totally doable, but I'll need to know a few things first. What markup and CSS are you using for your chat area?
awesome it's doable!
in the css its that
and then this html around the text the text has extra html per line for colours too
i'm not sure what that "animation-name" part is i just straight up copied it from a site.
let me know if you need more? thankyou!
EDIT: Also, without additional setup, the animation properties you're showing there are nonsense—meaning you probably should remove them.
Download the attached Twine 2 archive (right-click and save as), import it into Twine 2, and give it a play. If that looks like what you're after, dig in and examine the details.