SugarCube save feature persists after you close the browser, turn computer off etc. It even has an export save to external file option so can persist after you throw the computer out the window.<br
This will result in a vary garish red, however, so you may want to look up css colours. You could try background-color: #800000; instead.<br />If you also wanted the ui area to change you'd use:
I managed to smooth it out by inserting this monster of code: <br />#ui-bar, #ui-body {<br />-moz-transition: none;<br />-webkit-transition: none;<br />-o-transition: color 0 e
In the various css areas like .passage, #body and #ui-bar, #ui-body if you don't want to show their native colour. You may also need to set the border property to transparent in the UI bar too.
You need to set the display property to none for the relevant areas that contain text: <br />#story-title {<br />display: none;<br />} <br />#credits, #version {<br />dis
Put this in your story css section: <br />#ui-bar, #ui-body {<br />background: hidden;<br />background-attachment: fixed;<br />background-color: transparent;<br />border-
Just put this in your css file: <br />#ui-bar, #ui-body {<br />background: hidden;<br />background-attachment: fixed;<br />background-color: transparent;<br />border-col
Then you need css to define the popup and the popup link (this is just css that works for my game): <br />#ui-body.popup<br />{<br />padding: 40px; <br />border-radius: 15px; &
Closes the dialog (#ui-overlay &amp; #ui-body) and removes all classes and content from the dialog container (#ui-body)<br />UISyetem.close()<br />// Adds a click event handler to