Hey there, guys! I need to make a really simple thing, but I can't figure it out!
Okay so I have a $location variable, right?
And my char is in a Kitchen. And he has 3 options
I want to make it so when you go Outside, the $location becomes "Outside".
I tried doing it like this in Harlowe
You are in a kitchen. Where will you go now?
[[(set: $location to "Outside")Outside]]
[[(set: $location to "Bedroom")Bedroom]]
But it doesn't work ;(
The $location becomes which ever string is the lowest on the screen. So even if I go Outside in this example, the $location will still be "Bedroom"
Also, just to keep myself from flooding the forum - a bonus question. Can I make my code not interfere with the formatting?
Like if I have a tonn of code before some readable text, when I play my game I need to scroll way down to reach the text. Like the code is still physically occupying space on a page even though it's invisible.