Rather than manually adding IDs to each link, it makes much more sense to add them all automatically. Since you're using SugarCube you can just drop the following JavaScript into your JavaScript section and that will all be taken care of automatically:
/* Keyboard links - Start */
var KBIntervalID = 0;
$(document).on(":passagerender", function (ev) {
// Search passages for links every 300ms, just in case they get updated, and marks them for key clicks
KBIntervalID = setInterval(UpdateLinks, 300);
// Adds key shortcut indicators to links in passage if there are less than 11 links in the passsage.
function UpdateLinks(Container) {
// Enables keyboard shortcuts on passages that do not have the "DisableKeyLinks" tag
if (!tags().includes("DisableKeyLinks")) {
var Links, i;
if (typeof Container === "undefined") {
Container = document;
Links = $("#passages a").toArray();
} else {
Links = $(Container).find("a").toArray();
if (Links.length > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < Links.length; i++) {
if ((Links[i].getAttribute("data-nokey") == "true") || (Links[i].parentElement.getAttribute("data-nokey") == "true")) {
if (Links.length === 1) {
if (!Links[0].id.includes("Link")) {
Links[0].id = "NextLink";
} else if (Links.length >= 1 && Links.length <= 10) {
var n = 1;
for (i = 0; i < Links.length; i++) {
if (!Links[i].id.includes("Link")) {
while ($(Container).find("#Link" + n).length) {
if (n > 10) {
if (n < 10) {
$("<sup>[" + n + "]</sup>").appendTo(Links[i]);
Links[i].id = "Link" + n;
} else if (n === 10) {
Links[i].id = "Link0";
} else {
$(document).on("keyup", function (e) {
// Enables keyboard shortcuts on passages that do not have the "DisableKeyLinks" tag
if (!tags().includes("DisableKeyLinks")) {
// Trigger next link click on right arrow key or "1" (normal and numpad)
if (((e.key == "ArrowRight") || (e.keyCode == 49) || (e.keyCode == 97)) && $("#NextLink")) {
if ((!tags().includes("IgnoreArrowKeys")) || ((e.key != "ArrowRight"))) {
// Trigger link click on keys "0" through "9"
if ((e.keyCode > 47) && (e.keyCode < 58)) {
if ($("#Link" + (e.keyCode - 48))) {
$("#Link" + (e.keyCode - 48)).click();
// Trigger link click on numpad keys "0" through "9"
if ((e.keyCode > 95) && (e.keyCode < 106)) {
if ($("#Link" + (e.keyCode - 96))) {
$("#Link" + (e.keyCode - 96)).click();
// Trigger random click on "." key
if (e.key == ".") {
var Links = $("#passages a"), n, UsableLinks = [];
if (Links.length > 0) {
for (n = 0; n < Links.length; n++) {
if (!$(Links[n]).data("nokey")) {
if (UsableLinks.length > 0) {
n = random(UsableLinks.length - 1);
// Trigger back click on left arrow key or backquote
if ((e.key == "ArrowLeft") || (e.keyCode == 192)) {
if ((!tags().includes("IgnoreArrowKeys")) || ((e.key != "ArrowLeft"))) {
/* Keyboard links - End */
You can see more information on this code and see exactly how it works in my Twine/SugarCube sample code collection here. (Click "Jump to Start" in the UI bar to see other sample code there.)
If you still want to write your own code, instead of adding an ID to a Twine/SugarCube link, you can simply add the ID a <span> around that link, and then use ".parentElement" to check the parents of any links. An example of how to do that is within the above code.
Hope that helps! :-)