right, i would get this error and that was my problem and needed to know if there was a way around it
for example i have a section of code i'm trying to make rerun, and the beginning utilizes a temp variable that isn't set until after the code section is ran and when it reruns it would use that value
(set: _problemvariablehere to it + 1)
(set: _vowel to (random: 1, 5))
(set: _nonvowel to (random: 1, 14))
(set: _name to it + $nonvowel's (_nonvowel) + $vowel's (_nonvowel))
(if: _problemvariablehere is < _length...
i wanted to make the "(set: _problemvariablehere to it + 1)" work only after checking if the _problemvariablehere isn't set/defines/exists to avoid the error
i think i can just find a way to define it outside that section of code perhaps though