(twine2.1.3 harlowe 2.0.1)
The harlowe documentation states "The subset can be based on each string's characters, each datamap's values." But how can datamaps be used with find: while still retaining context?
in an other question a datamap with a collection "boxes" with different values is created.
(set: $boxes to (datamap: "green" , 0 , "blue" , 0 , "red" , 0 , "purple" , 0 , "yellow" , 0 , "neon paisley" , 0))
(set: $marbles to 12)
(for: each _drop , ...(range: 1 , $marbles))[
(set: $boxes's (either: ...(datanames: $boxes)) to it + 1)
I've been using (for:) loops to check the values of each item to see if they match a condition, but this seems expensive, large datamaps cause a noticeable lag for the browser to display the passage. The for loops can also be quite complicated. This seems to be exactly what (find:) is for.
But I'm having trouble using (find:) to check the values in a way which identifies the boxes. I think it may be an issue of combining the proper syntax into the find:.
(find: _some where _some is > 0, ...(datavalues: $boxes))
Gives a list of contents > 0 but doesn't identify the box. Makes sense since it's an array of numbers being evaluated. It's also useless, an array of numbers with no context.
(find: _check where _check is not "frog" , ...(datanames: $boxes))
gives a list of the names
But I've found no way to combine the two together which provides names and numbers (effectively making a temporary datamap for display).
(for: each _name , ...(datanames: $boxes))[
(if: (_name of $boxes) is > 0)[
_name has (print: (_name of $boxes))]
{(set: $secondDatamap to (datamap:))
(for: each _name , ...(Datanames: $boxes))[
(if: (_name of $boxes) is > 0)[
(set: $secondDatamap to it + (datamap: _name , (_name of $boxes)))
seem to be the best method(s).
Am I completely misunderstanding the purpose of find: (this is quite likely!)?
Is there a better way to evaluate and return the values of a datamap while keeping it in context of the value's name? (while using harlowe macros, avoiding java)