Sorry, I posted this to GitHub but have gotten no response, so figured I'd bring it here in hopes of getting some help:
"After not using Twine for quite a while, I tried making a new story today only to get the error message:
An error occurred while saving your story.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "storyframe.pyc", line 811, in save
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'/Users/stephenfruchtman/moo?.tws'"
I downloaded 2.3.2 but when i opened it, received this message:
"A JavaScript error occurred in the main process
Uncaught Exception:
Error: Failed to get 'documents"'path
at backup (Applications/
at (/Applications/
at App.emit (events.js:187:15)
Please advise. Thank you very much."
The bug was reported here:
Thank you very much.