"Lock and Key: Variable": SugarCube (v2.18)#
This example is affected by history changes in the story. Undoing or re-doing back to a passage containing this recipe has the potential to change its saved values.
"Lock and Key: Variable" demonstrates how to create the effect of picking up a key and unlocking a door. In this example, the key is a variable ($key) and is initially set to the value false in the Start passage.
When the link (created using a <<linkreplace>>
macro) "Pick up the key" is clicked, $key is changed to the value true and the door link changes from its initial response of "Locked Door" to a link to the passage Exit.
Twee Code#
:: StoryTitle
Lock and Key: Variable in SugarCube
:: Start
<<set $key to false>>
[[Back Room]]
[[Front Room]]
:: Back Room
<<if $key is false>>
<<linkreplace "Pick up the key">><<set $key to true>>You have a key.<</linkreplace>>
There is nothing here.
[[Front Room]]
:: Front Room
<<if $key is true>>
Locked Door
[[Back Room]]
:: Exit
You found the key and went through the door!