"Player Statistics": Snowman (v1.3.0)#
Elements must exist before the attempt to bind to them in order to be successful. This example uses the ready() function to achieve this with the first, starting passage.
One of the most popular mechanics of table-top role-playing games are those where the player must determine their in-game statistics and then use them to make decisions.
In this example, the jQuery event handler click() is used to bind to multiple buttons. Depending on what was clicked, the content is replaced or values adjusted based on if a conditional statement is true. Values are then tested when combined with a random number between 1 to 6, mimicking a common 1d6 mechanic to check if a value is above a target number.
Twee Code#
:: StoryTitle
Player Statistics in Snowman
:: UserScript[script]
$(function() {
// Create a global setup object
window.setup = window.setup || {};
// Create a global propety on the setup object
window.setup.stats = {};
// Create (and overwrite) the use of 's'
var s = window.setup.stats;
s.empathy = 10;
s.intelligence = 10;
s.totalPoints = 5;
if(s.totalPoints > 0) {
if(s.empathy > 0) {
if(s.totalPoints > 0) {
if(s.intelligence > 0) {
s.empathy = 10;
s.intelligence = 10;
s.totalPoints = 5;
// Add a randomInt function to the Math global
Math.randomInt = function(min, max) {
min = Math.ceil(min);
max = Math.floor(max);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
$("#testIntelligence").click(function() {
var result = s.intelligence + Math.randomInt(1,6);
if(result >= 15) {
$("#intelligenceResult").text("Success! (" + result + " >= 15)");
} else {
$("#intelligenceResult").text("Failure! (" + result + " < 15)");
$("#testEmpathy").click(function() {
var result = s.empathy + Math.randomInt(1,6);
if(result >= 15) {
$("#empathyResult").text("Success! (" + result + " >= 15)");
} else {
$("#empathyResult").text("Failure! (" + result + " < 15)");
:: Start
Empathy: <button id="empathyIncrease">[+]</button> <button id="empathyDecrease">[-]</button>
Intelligence: <button id="intelligenceIncrease">[+]</button> <button id="intelligenceDecrease">[-]</button>
<button id="pointsReset">[Reset Points]</button>
Empathy: <span id="empathyStat">10</span>
Intelligence: <span id="intelligenceStat">10</span>
Remaining Points: <span id="pointsStat">5</span>
<button id="testIntelligence">Make an intelligence check?</button>
<div id="intelligenceResult"></div>
<button id="testEmpathy">Make an empathy check?</button>
<div id="empathyResult"></div>